giovedì 1 dicembre 2011


Maurice Lindsay si è dimesso dal ruolo di Chairman del Preston North End per motivi di salute; Lindsay, 70 anni, aveva spiegato pochi giorni fa di aver avuto dei problemi di salute in seguito ad un'operazione subita a fine agosto che lo hanno tenuto lontano per i tre mesi successivi dal Club.
Lindsay ha detto di volersi dedicare alla propria salute ed ha promesso il proprio supporto al Pne ed ha augurato alla squadra di raggiungere la finale del JPT a Wembley.

dal sito ufficiale del Pne:

Maurice Lindsay, Chairman of Preston North End Football Club, has decided to step down as Chairman following his recent illness.

Lindsay said: "I have spent much of the last three months in hospital recovering from Septicaemia which occurred following a knee operation in August. To be honest it has been a difficult time and I am only just beginning to recover. I need time to rebuild my health and it would not be fair to the football club if I did not give it 100% attention. My health will recover fully but I need to be sensible."

Lindsay added: "The Club is still within striking distance of a promotion challenge and is even closer to the prospect of a Wembley appearance in the Johnstone's Paint Trophy. I wish them the best of luck and they will have my full support."

Lindsay, 70, remains on good terms with the owner of the Club, Mr Trevor Hemmings. He finally added: "Trevor has been a long standing friend and will remain so. His financial support has been the reason that Preston remains as a football club and his support should not be underestimated. We will continue to be good friends."

Maurice Lindsay

1 commento:

  1. Sembra brutto da dire, ma Lindsay poteva approfittare del suo ritiro per mettere in vendita la società che versa in condizioni economiche non proprio eccelse.
