venerdì 18 febbraio 2011


Questa la lettera che il manager ha voluto inviare ai tifosi Lilywhites per invitarli a continuare a dare sempre il loro sostegno alla squadra.
Da parte nostra il tifo ed il supporto non mancherà di certo anche se purtroppo la lontananza non ci permetterà di essere presenti a Deepdale.
L'importante è che il gruppo sia unito e che il manager cerchi di trasmettere fiducia e la giusta carica agonistica e mentale per tentare l'impresa contro il QPR.

Dear Adam,
This Saturday is a big game. It's bottom against top, and there's always going to be an upset somewhere along the line in games like that - why can't the upset be at Deepdale on Saturday?
For me there were an awful lot of positives from Tuesday night. We asked them to put their best foot forward with the ball, and since I've arrived I've asked us to be horrible and hard to play against when we haven't got the ball; I think we witnessed both sides of the coin very efficiently in the first half.
If you score two goals at somewhere like Watford you expect to get three points; it would have been a magnificent boost for us, but unfortunately it was only one. It was one in the right direction though.
When the day comes that we do get that first win, we think it will be closely followed by a second, a third and a fourth win.
We've got a big enough squad and a good enough squad to ensure that whoever does cross that white line on Saturday afternoon will cause QPR problems.
The upset we want can only happen if the fans come out and support the team. I've asked for that all along, and I've got it in abundance, to be fair.
I know what the next three points will mean to the fans and the changing room and hopefully with any luck they'll come on Saturday.
Best wishes, 
Phil Brown 

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